Brief solution focused therapy (online for individuals)

Practise solution focused techniques in this action-orientated intervention to draw on people's internal resources, enhance useful behaviours, and identify and work towards clear goals.
This is a 1 day course delivered online (for individuals).
Learn about this strength based action-orientated intervention that can be highly successful in helping people implement change. Explore and practise using the 5 core skills of BSFT to draw on people's internal resources, enhance useful behaviours and help build solutions, goals and pathways for themselves.
The course provides additional support when clients are resistant or unable to recognise their resources.
Also currently available (online for teams).
Course aims
To develop skills to deliver a solution focused and strengths based intervention in a variety of settings
Course objectives
By the end of the course participants will have had opportunities to:
- Explore core assumption about change
- Practice the core skills of solution focused therapy
- Understand Solution Focused Therapy in a wider process of change
Venue info:
This course is delivered online (for individuals).
Trainer: Phil Harris
"Really useful approach and think it will definitely influence my 1-1 work. Really enjoyed it, like the breakout rooms for a chance to practise, regular breaks helped a lot and manged to keep it interactive. Lots of content! and great examples. As always with Phil, very well facilitated and inspiring."
Course participant, November 2020
"Thinking about not focusing on problems but on resources and positive goals. The session was managed well and flowed well."
Support worker, November 2020
"Excellent. Stages of change. Five big questions. Brain function."
Course participant, November 2020
"I think the whole day was useful, I learnt a lot. Many practical applications to use at work. Break out rooms worked well and helped to cement the learning."
Course participant, November 2020