De-escalation skills & challenging behaviour
Build confidence to defuse and de-escalate challenging and aggressive situations, using effective communication techniques.
This is a 1 day course in Bristol (you come to us).
A practical stepped approach to containing and responding safely and confidently to incidents in the workplace.
Understand what’s behind the behaviour and develop essential communication techniques and practical strategies to build confidence to defuse and de-escalate challenging and aggressive situations.
Available for teams in-house (we come to you).
Also available as a half-day (online for teams).
Half day delivery in-person may be considered, with the option to combine with other content e.g. conflict resolution, managing difficult conversations, effective communication and improved conversations.
Course aims
To develop confidence, understanding and skills for de-escalating situations and dealing with challenging behaviour in work related settings
Course objectives
By the end of the course participants will have had opportunities to:
- Increase their understanding of challenging and aggressive behaviour, its causes and context
- Reflect upon their personal responses
- Explore what happens in conflict and when situations escalate
- Develop skills and strategies to prevent and de-escalate conflict, challenging & aggressive behaviour
Venue info:
Courses in Bristol (you come to us)
All courses take place at accessible venues in Bristol.
If for any reason the course cannot be delivered face-to-face, we will take a flexible and responsive approach to keep people learning – which will include delivering the training on the same day as a live interactive online session, or transferring bookings to the next available dates.
Trainer: Susan Lawrence
"Very useful. The interactive elements were great. A chance to reflect and apply models in engaging activities. I liked the metaphors and examples. Very engaging training. Well delivered. Thank you!"
Hope Mayhew, Brigstowe Project, February 2023
" Informative and easy to understand. Clear explanations and being given definitions for experiences I could not explain before. I enjoyed being able to practice skills and feel included with the training. "
Tim Marriott, Developing Health & Independence (DHI), February 2023
"Examples of language to use in challenging situations. Visual examples and incorporating different learning styles. Thank you very much. Really helpful and interesting training!"
Course participant, February 2023
"Lots of tools and techniques to think about and apply when working with clients. Very relaxed, I really enjoyed it!"
Paul Edwards, Developing Health & Independence (DHI), February 2023