Practical positive psychology (online for individuals)

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Life-enhancing positive psychology interventions for staff wanting to nourish and grow their own wellbeing, alongside promoting wellbeing skills in others.

This is a 1 day equivalent course delivered online over 2 half-day sessions using a combination of live webinars and video based content.

Positive Psychology looks at what helps us feel and function well, this course exploring both theory and practice applied to the five domains in the PERMA model of wellbeing (Positive emotions, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning and Accomplishment).

This is a 1 day equivalent course, delivered over 2 x half days with space in-between to revisit tutorial videos and practice skills.

The course uses a combination of live webinars and video based content with downloadable handouts, which participants have access to for up to 1 year.

    Also currently available (online for teams).

    Course aims

    To develop participants' understanding of positive psychology as a practical evidence-based approach to supporting and growing wellbeing.

    To increase participants' familiarity with positive psychology practices and interventions, with the dual benefit of promoting staff wellbeing and providing self-care tools clients can use too.

    Course objectives

    By the end of the course, you will have had opportunities to:

    • Find out about an evidence base showing that positive psychology interventions can help improve mood, reduce the risk of depression, improve relationships and support performance gains
    • Learn practical strategies linked to the five domains in the PERMA model of wellbeing, with practices to cultivate Positive emotions, deepen Engagement (through building strengths), improve Relationships, strengthen feelings of Meaning and purpose and support progress in chosen areas of Accomplishment
    • Explore ways of applying positive psychology practices to improve quality of life, both at home and work
    • Explore ways of passing on positive psychology tools to other people as a way of supporting them to improve their wellbeing and quality of life

    Venue info:

    This is a 1 day equivalent course delivered online over 2 half-day sessions using a combination of live webinars and video based content.

    Trainer: Chris Johnstone

    New course - awaiting feedback